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Visit Our Catholic Youth Organization: CYO Girls and CYO Boys Camps Website
7303 Walker Rd.
Carsonville, Michigan 48419
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Half-week, week-long, and 2-week summer camps, weekend family camps, day camps.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Campers will enjoy the great outdoors while meeting new friends and having lots of fun in a caring, Catholic environment. Activities include fun programs that encourage social and recreational skills – archery, arts and crafts, kayaking, animal farm, sleep outs, swimming, campfires, cookouts and outdoor sports.
In addition, the camps include a spiritual program that emphasize Catholic values and actively celebrate our Catholic faith. The camps are located on beautiful Lake Huron in Port Sanilac and are open to boys and girls ages 7 - 16. We offer both Residential and Day Camp programs.
Travel, Sailing, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Soccer, Swimming, Basketball, Baseball, and more. Archery
CAMP LOCATION: The CYO Girls Camp and CYO Boys Camp have been in operation since 1946 and are owned and operated by the Catholic Youth Organization. The camps are located approximately 6 miles a part on the shores of Lake Huron near Port Sanilac. As traditional camps, the beautiful landscape and sandy beaches are the ideal setting for an incredible summer as we provide an opportunity for campers to discover a sense of self, an appreciation for others and nature, and to feel the presence of God.
CAMP FACILITIES: We offer modern cabins, tipis, and opportunities for kids to sleep under the stars. We are on the shores of the beautiful Lake Huron, a Michigan great lake!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: There’s a community “up north” carved from ice cold glacial melt water many, many years ago, nestled with lush forest over which gulls and herons soar. It rests on the sandy beaches of a most wondrous, great lake.
A community of safe places; Girls, boys, and co-ed summer camps for kids, protected just for children by guardians who never forgot what it was like, once upon a time, to be children themselves. Two camps, just 6 miles apart, denoted by their sounds—waves lapping on the shore, warm summer breezes blowing across crackling campfires—and everywhere, the undercurrent of children’s laughter punctuated, now and then, by shouts of glee and wonder.
A changeless constant in the lives of those lucky few of us who’ve come to grow up, here, through the generations. This is a place where the days are almost timeless, but for the extra-special moments to grow in our Catholic faith for over sixty seven summers now.
When night comes, we’ll tuck ourselves in under warm blankets and count the billion stars or so that light up the sky. Or we’ll sneak a flashlight under the covers to finish a good story or recall the days’ events with new friends. When it storms, we’ll throw open the windows to smell the fresh rain and listen for the raindrops pelting the lush forest leaves.
Picture For boys and girls of those magical ages of 7-16, these are places to take your aim at the archery range, challenge your limits on the high ropes course, and build creativity through arts; of open-air cabins, floating in kayaks, and the timeless treasure of campouts. It’s the simple and lasting pleasures that teach us the appreciation for others, nature, and to feel the presence of God.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Limited camperships are available. Please request an application if help is needed.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp weekends include Sunday Mass and time to grow and experience our Catholic faith with families just like yours. Mother/Daughter and Father/Son Weekends available! Our top comment is always, "I loved spending time with my daughters/nieces/stepdaughters." So come on up and join in our relaxing activies while we do all the work! We are happy to serve you!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Special events such as an annual Scrap-a-lot and Haunted Forest are amoung our favorites!
OTHER CAMP INFO: Camps Connect is a boys camp, girls camp, family camp, retreat and conference facility and outdoor education experience all rolled into one community of camps created as the joint venture between Catholic Youth Organization Camps (at Our Camp Website Link: www.aod.org) and the Society of St. Vincent DePaul Camps (at Our Camp Website Link: www.svdpdet.org)…and yet so much more! We’re a community of camps that takes the best of the traditional programs that CYO Girls Camp, CYO Boys Camp, Camp Ozanam and Camp Stapleton have to offer, ads a lot faith in action, and gives you one of the best camp experiences for your child, your family, or your next event!
Please go to Our Camp Website Link: www.aod.org for information on Sessions, Dates, and Fees.
Camp counselors and seasonal staff members are the heart and soul of our camps; Working with and living in a camp comunity where children see, hear, and imitate everything we do 24/7! All staff must provide a high level of energy and enthusiasm in cabins and in activity areas, and be dedicated to the "organized chaos" of camp life.
We are seeking individuals who posess a genuine love for children and exude the highest standards of spiritual maturity and moral conduct. Staff that meet these demands will find the work extremely rewarding - No, life chaging! We expect either a four or six-week committment depending on which of our camps you will be working at this summer. This committment includes a one-week, paid, staff training session.
To view positions and apply online visit: Our Camp Website Link: www.campsconnect.org.
Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Michigan Travel Summer Camp or Summer Travel Recreation Program.
Many Michigan Day and Sleepaway Travel Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Travel Activities.
For a complete List of Michigan Special Interest Travel Summer Camps & Summer Travel Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page.
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